
International food night.

It's Maraka festival time here, an event that was created to celebrate the finish of the sugar cane crushing season, but now seems to happen in the middle of the crush, anyway it was a good excuse for us to go out, this Philippine food stall had Olivia's interest.
Myself I found this working condition FJ Holden leading a pack of display cars that seemed to be all fairly recent V8s so thus didn't interest me, but this FJ that would be older than me did, not original but no major changes to ruin it, nice.
What was surprising to me was a good choice of lively tunes that added to my already good mood. All of songs were from an age before the surf music hiatus so they were familiar to me, adding to it was the tattooed redhead had a voice, or at least one suitable for her material. It was also good to see a proper double bass, but with that bulk I can understand why those guitar looking basses are used so much now, usually by elderly men wearing long hair wigs I suppose these days.

A good crowd made even better by me not seeing a single smoker while we were there.
The Philippines food booth had a good queue all the time we were there, I'm sure it would have sold out of food, some things were gone already when Olivia grabbed a nibble.

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