
A change of flowers for Grace's birthday.

 A busy morning ahead so we popped out early to the cemetery. I had hoped it'd be quiet but it was noisy with activity. The whole town must have awoken from their slumber since Summer started, also we're currently under a blitz at home which has explosive noise before dawn every morning in a futile bid to scare the bat population away, it doesn't work people and you've been at it long enough to stop wasting taxpayer money.

I also said hello to our friend Shirley's husband Ron whom if I stay alive a few more days shall outlive. That feels like a big "if" now.


Also broken when Oscar felt pain.


Another casualty of Oscar's broken rear windscreen. I had popped the phone in my back pocket and forgotten about it when driving to get a quote. Bugger but at least I've ordered a new digitiser screen thingy and hope I'm good enough to fit it. I only use the phone for two things, to receive calls from Olivia, and to play Sudoku, I can't claim to be a natural at Sudoku but I've found the logic challenge quite captivating for many years now, I only play at the hardest level.

Oscar is now fixed yippee.


Nearly a write-off.


I was mowing out the front and heard a noise so looked around and went ouch.

I thought I might have to write Oscar off but the local shop quoted $420 to fix it, so a big ouch on that price but I'll do it.