
Recycled brake pad.

My Mother bought a car (1999 GF 626 Mazda) which needs a bit of work before putting it on the road, this was a rear brake pad, which in a huge surprise to me had the friction material fall off when I inspected the rear bits, through neglect the rear calipers had stopped functioning some time ago anyway, very questionable if any work is warranted but the car still looks pretty good so I'll proceed.

It now graces the end of my pushbike's prop stand so hopefully I can now safely park it on soft ground without it digging in and taking a tumble. Horrible weld but I could barely see what I was doing and had to take a photo just to check the result, such is the curse of cataracts, which now happily are on the waiting list for an operation.

Of course the Jimby bad luck curse had to continue with the headband of my cheap welding mask breaking, but I just hand held the mask to do the job, and tried a plastic weld job on it afterwards, no doubt it'll break again but I'm so used to breakages it barely raises a D'OH! any more.

1 comment:

  1. Mazda automatic transmissions have a poor reputation here in the states.
