
Eight years now....

Since laws came into force preventing smoking within 4 metres of a non-residential entry, and still I often have to sneak past smokers to gain entry into Coles, altogether too often.
Checking on the law it's obviously toothless with only 80 officers in the state who can dole out the $220 fines, because we're a distance from a major town it would be practically unknown for any enforcement here.
I have had a terrible addiction to alcohol, yet could always go up the street without having to have a drink.


  1. Your new Olympus is doing a great job of capturing your observations, Jim.

  2. The pity with that shot Dave is I only had one chance and it really wasn't good enough, for a change I had a bit of a post processing play to make it a bit crisper, but for that post the content was the point rather than a great photo.
    Thanks for commenting, the XZ-10 thus far has met my criteria, though it has more functions than I desire, and I'm really more after a good lens than a fast lens.
    Thanks for commenting.

  3. I would say that at most places in the US, smokers really do stay away from the doors.
