
Genius at work.

Usually this part of town would have a 60 km/h speed limit but I suppose someone may have wanted to give the legal system a work boost over the weekend.


  1. Yes, 62 mph does sound a bit fast for that area. And at first the picture looked normal. Then I noticed you are parked on the right side of the road. I didn't notice it at first 'cuz that is normal here.

  2. Good observation Jerry, the sign's on the median strip on Lannercost St, near the Perkins St intersection.
    Shops are in the distance.
    In Australia you will be booked for parking facing the wrong way but I wasn't, though there's probably an official somewhere who's using a ruler to figure out how far from the kerb that I've parked.

  3. On my street you will see some cars parked wrong way without getting ticketed because it's not much problem on a low-traffic side street. What they do in the city I don't know.
